Hey friends,
Today I am going to share the most experience of my life. I don't no where to start from. Don't really gave the right words to explain it.
When i heard about it , I myself didn't not believe it.
We all have herd about astrologers who read horoscopes and predict fortune , about numerologist to predict according to our date of birth, taro card reader who read cards which we pick and the most resent coffee cup readers . But now what I am going to tell you , I bet you will not believe at first.
Before I go into the main topic ,I would like to tell you that I am not a die heart believer of all dis, but do visit such people sometimes. I defiantly do not believe ,all this blindly.
But this experience of mine changed the way I think.
So this one day I was speaking to an Aunt of mine who happens to be a firm believer of all astrology and fortune telling thing. She told me about a place where people tell your past ,present and future from your thumb print.
Yes you read it right by "THUMB PRINT".
A thumb Impression can reveal all your details |
You don't believe me , I can understand because even I dint believe my aunt. But its 100% true.
She told me that the information is prewritten on some leaves and they just read it out. She visited the place as was really happy with the results as they told her some things about her that were too personal that only she knew about herself.
I was really pumped to go their. I controlled my excitement and thought that if I visit that place then I will make sure not to take what they say too seriously .
I made up my mind as called the place for appointment and also got their address. It is called 'Nadi Jothida'.
Nadi Shastra by which you know your future though thumb print |
It was not very far away firm my house.( I live in Delhi,India) But when the appointment day came, I thought that may be I should night go because if he tell me something bad about future then what.
So like a big mean sister, I pushed my younger brother to come along and get the reading done for himself. And he did not agree at first , but then gave up and said yes.
We reach on time for appointment. We entered in a room full of people . Went to the counter and the person asked my brother to give in 3 thumbprints of his left thumb in his properly maintained book and asked us to wait.
I utilized the waiting time to gather some info about it all. The person at the counter told us that these leaves were written my a guru 2000 years back in Tamil Nadu (a state in south India) and he wrote present ,past and future of all the people who will be ever born on this planet. He said that this family has preserved leaves and so they are providing this service now. He also told me that not every one gets lucky to get his leaf as many leaves were destroyed lost and were also stolen.
These are the leaves which were written,2000 years back and are now preserved and matched with thumb prints to reveal future |
In the mean while someone came from inside and called for my brothers name. We went in and we saw those leaves . It was truly fascinating. There were two people there, one will read what's written on leaf and the other will translate in Hindi or English as all the people there are South Indians and speak only Tamil (their native language).
They gave us instruction of just answering in only yes or no and not a word more as we might end up revealing our own details.
He had so many leaves because so many people around the world are born on same time and may have dome similarities in thumb print. To find your leaf, he read out mother's name , father's name,your date time and year of birth, some details about your siblings and family .whichever matches yours, you just have to tell him.
And they started reading. One was reading it in Tamil and other man was translating it for us.
He said he will give a few detail and if they matched ours then we have to say yes. There were so many leaves that we had to go through and list all hopes that my brother will not get his leaves . I saw that he was almost done with all the leaves and finally my brother got his leave . It was third last ,i think. The man reading told our mum's and dad's name, told my brother his date and time of birth and that he just had a breakup. We were amazed and shocked.
How can a stranger know all these thing??
How can a person few thousand years back write all about my brother and that to so precise things..???
After we found our leaf , we were asked to wait again for half an hour so that they can look for the entire bundle to which that leaf belongs and wright down all what's written in a notebook.
We waited and waited and waited....
After an hour a person again called for my brothers name. We went in the room and again two fellows were sitting there , one who was reading before and a translator.
He started reading and our hearts were bearing so fast . We could actually hear them beat.
We were given instruction of not to speak a word between reading as it was being recorded for our future reference.
He started with details about family at present like number of siblings, age ,parents .The he told about his profession , the subjects he is studying, year he is in and even about his personal life. He also told the accidents he may have.
You wont believe he told the details of his life partner,her house,her parents, how many kids he will have, what will his kids be and basically a summery of entire life.
We were quite happy to know so many details so that we can be ware of certain things. We were ready to go as we saw the leaves he was reading were all done.
But it was not he end, a surprise was waiting for us. He opened another bundle of leaves and started telling about his past life. We were shocked again. He told where was my brother born in previous birth,his name and his right and wrong doings . Basically we Hindus believe in KARMA. His good or bad doings of past life are affecting his present life. So whatever wrong he did in past, he will have to pay for it in this life and visa verse. By this we know the reason for our sufferings .
In the end they told small little home remedies to overcome those problems and obstacles. Not any costly remedies but just small little things that can make a big difference.
We had certain questions in mind which we asked after recording was over.
In the end we were given our recording and the notebook with solutions. Was told that we can now come any time if we have any questions.
It was a fantastic experience and i truly loved it. It was so amazing to see those leaves, how they have preserved it. The facts they told about my brother were so accurate.
I truly believe in it.
Wish we had more time that day so that I could have got mine done also.
I'll surely go back soon and get my thumb reading done.
If you are planning to go there then please go ahead but make sure that you have atleast 2-3 hrs in hand.
But it is a must go . I assure you that you will love the experience.
If you want the details of that place then hear is their website:
For further details you can comment and I'll give you all the details.
Hope you like my story.
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